Monday, September 12, 2011

How To Play Guitar - Sliding (NG09)

What's up future rock stars!!!
 Hope your guitar learning journey is going well.
Today we are going to take a look at a legato-technique called sliding, as well as a variant called a pick-slide.

First things first, what does legato mean? Legato is when notes flow into one another, in the world of guitar it involves techniques like sliding, hammer-ons and pull-offs, bending, etc...We will discuss each technique in time. Today we'll be looking at sliding.

This is probably the easiest legato-technique. A slide is when you move your finger from one fret to another, while keeping the string pressed in, so that each time you pass a fret, the note changes. If the explanation confuses you, don't worry, there is a video at the bottom of this article that shows you exactly what is going on.

Sliding is a very easy technique but it is also very versatile. You can slide up or down on every string, everywhere on the fretboard. It is also important to note that not every slide has to start on a note, artists often use the slide technique to create an effect right before hitting the note they want. Again if this explanation confuses you, the video at the bottow will show you exactly what I mean.

A pick-slide is somewhat different, but also really cool. It is a technique performed with the picking hand. Basically you use the edge of your pick to scratch up or down on the E, A or D-string. This is a really awesome-sounding technique, great for showing off! The video at the bottom also shows you how this one works.

Hope this helped you out, if it did, don't hesitate to subscribe.
Don't forget to listen and have fun!!

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